October 22, 2007

After the Soup

So after dinner, Nikki and Katie went home. Nikki ended up having larengitus. Poor girl. Didn't know it at the time. Our friend Meg came and met me and John, and we were going to go to some fireworks show, but it was so busy out, and it would have taken forever to get there, so we just decided to go for drinks. We ended up at a place that is a car wash by day, and then at night they pull across the gold curtain around the walls and take out the plastic tables and its a cheap place to drink! Megs sister ended up coming and meeting us, and we drank the night away with pot after pot of soju(or what we have named sojuice, soju mixed with different flavours of juice). I tell ya I was hurting the next day. Here's a few pics of the beginning of the night.

Snack time!

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