September 19, 2005

Party Central

Hola everyone!
Well it's day 6 and we are having a fantastic time in Rio. Once our baggage arrived the next day, we were feeling much better. Lets see, where to begin....

The weather hasn't been very good, but we have still seen and done lots. We have meet some very cool people at the hostel and have a little posse. Tonight the plan is to go to a favela funk party. Should be fun. Dancing the night away.

Soooo, so far we have gone to the beach at Copacabana, which is huge. There are vendors walking by all the time and its the beach and shopping in one! Love it. Speedos and thongs everyway you turn! There are so many beautiful people in Rio. We also went up to the Christ Rentador and saw the most amazing view of Rio. It was beautiful. Definatly the best way to see the city. A couple nights we went to an area called Lapa, where every Thur-Sat they have a huge street party. On the first night there was a concert outside with old 80's music. But we would never have known! Everyone was loving it and we got right up front and danced all night. The best part of it was when this one woman singer was singing "Its raining men" and all these silver glittery papers fell from the sky. It was so fun. In the morning we woke up with them stuck all over us! Ha ha! The next night we went there we wandered the streets a lot, and then ended up in a bar dancing to samba music. Its so lively and fun, you cant help but dance.

Last night was the best of all though. We went to a dance schools practice for Carnival. They start in September and practice every Saturday. But really is just a huge party, and eveyones dancing. They pick us up at 11pm and then came back at 3am. Rio really is a party city, and most things start late and end late. The music was super loud and they had a huge band of drums. It was amazing. Super colourful with balloons and flags, confetti thrown everywhere. Again you couldnt help but dance. It was fantastic.

Today we spent the day at the Hippi market in Ipenema. There was sooo much we wanted to buy, but we are trying to wait until Argentina to really spend. Tonight the plan is to go to a Favela Funk party. Sounds like it should be amazing. And then we really need to get out of Rio. It really isnt that cheap and we are having too much fun! Time to hit the beach, and mellow out for a while. Our plan is to head to Isle Grande, and hopefully the weather will cooperate.

So thats about it from this end of the world. We are all ok and having a fantastic time. Can't wait for the rest of the adventure. Have heard heaps of good things about the other countries we are going to. Take care all and keep me posted!

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