So instead of being victim to my extreamly long emails about myself, I've decided to create this space where you can find out whats going on with me anytime...instead of me emailing you all the time! Enjoy!
July 27, 2005
Me, Mik and Marla at Rain
Me and Mik...only 5 weeks to go!
Me and Mik at Rain on Saturday night
Mikki and Marla....have a drink Mik!
Mikki, Marla and me out on the town
Kris and Debbie at the Surf this past Saturday
Mik and Kristina at the Surf
Corrine and Dennis...good friends of my Grannys in Rupert for a visit
A couple crabs for appies! Yum!
July 21, 2005
Tanis's stagette, nice penis cake!!!
Tanis by her school bus!
Marla and Tanis on the bus
Mart and me
Bustin it at the Moby
Shooter time, in the Moby
Marla and Tanis, in the private room in Rain...get ready for the show!
Marla, Tanis and Mart
Down the hatch
Here comes the stripper!!! Your on fire!
Tie her down Brody!!!
All taped up and no where to go Tanis!
Take it off baby!
You love it Tanis!
Tanis and her stripper
Tanis had enough shots, so made him do his own shot!
Tanis and the coppers....take her away boys!
Mik and Brody...the stripper clothed
Char and Carla at Rain
Mikki and the stripper boy
Tanis just successfully took off her bra without leaving the room. Nice one!
Checking off the last task....taking off her bra without leaving the room!!! way to go Tanis
Me and Anna messin with the camer....this is Blue Steel....
Well its been awhile since my last update. Time is quickly slipping by. I have been keeping my self busy with a third job. I now work at a very trendy, funky shop called Homework, which carries anything from home decor to the fun and weird. Its got tonnes of cool stuff and is very dangerous because I want to buy everything! So its Homework in the day, Cow Bay Cafe mostly at night and then Sollys Pub on Friday nights. So my summer has worked out really well in terms of work. I was worried for a bit there, but am super happy with all my jobs. Yaa for me!
Lots of other everyday life stuff going on....stagettes, birthdays...its Wednesday!! Lots of excuses to go out and party. The weather has been pretty shitty here lately, so thats a big downer, but the upside is I'll be spending the entire winter in South I can deal with it! Only 8 more weeks until we leave and I'm so excited. Still lots to do and lots to save, but I have a super good feeling about this trip. Again the invitation is open to join me when I'm alone in the beginning of January!!!
Hmmm, what else......went up to Terrace and rented a cabin by the lake for a night with Lynn. It rained all day but stopped at night, so we could sit by the fire. It was nice, but got eaten alive by the mosquitoes. There has been a few weddings this summer, so that means lots of visitors to Rupert. Got to see my friend Lucy and her mom, who I haven't seen in ages, so that was awesome. Me and Lucy kicked Leon and Marts ass in pictionary one night. She is definalty the partner to have!! Haha! Good times, good times.
Well I'm off to the gym before I head to work. Hope all is well with you where ever you are. Thinkin of you all! Till next time! Cheers
Suzannes stagett...I arrived late but didn't miss out completly...some strip foozeball action, with the stripper losing badly!
Suzanne and Cher
The Sollys girls
Kim and me..we're so cute!
Lynn and me
The girls shakin some booty on the dance floor
Me and travelling partner!
Kyila and Tara
Bianca, Kris, Toby, Lynn and Me
Lynn and Helen at the Commersh
Donnie, Debbie and Jason
Lynn after her birthday blowjob! We were lucky that night...winning $600 between us!