August 31, 2009

Jamaica - Wednesday July 15th, 2009 - Tracy and Jeramy's Wedding - Before the Ceremony

The morning of the wedding day, Jeramy got a manicure as part of their wedding package. He took it quite well and got along with the woman charmingly!

We spent the morning by the lazy pool getting in more rays, but careful not to burn! And enjoyed some bevies. Tracy and Kathy.

Jer and Joe

In front of the resort.

By the beach.

Joe and Jer got in on all the games by the lazy pool. I guess they weren't so lazy after all! They didn't win this one, but I think they won the beer chugging contest!

The little beach in front of the resort.

Getting our hair done at the spa in the afternoon. The rest of the group got to hang out by the pool all afternoon!

Julie, Tracy's mom.

Shelly, Tracy's sister, come to check out our progress.

The bride to be looking pretty damded hot! Getting ready in the room.


Snuck up for a few pics to the boys room while they were getting ready. Jeramy was feeling pretty confident at this point and told me he wasn't nervous at all. Looks a little nervous to me in this pic! Hahaha!

Gulping down a drink before the "I do's" and running a little late. Good thing they always wait for the bride!

August 28, 2009

Jamaica - Wednesday July 15th, 2009 - Tracy and Jeramy's Wedding - Beach Ceremony

The following pics are stolen from Tracy and Jeramy's photos and not in any particular order. Enjoy!