Me, Kylie and Tracer at the Alaska in Dawson Creek, I was there for 36 hours and had a fantastic time! Love you girls!

"Len" and Trace

Kylie, Jeremy, and Tracer

"Pete", Kylie, Jeremy, and Trace

Tracer and Me.....I love you long time!


The perfect beer

Me and Kylie

Me, Michelle, Tracer and Kylie

Back at home, nope, I think its actually 3am, not 2!

Bartender Tracers shots before bed...nice shot glass!

Nice shades Jeremy

Cut that cheese Kylie!

Teamwork in the kitchen

Saladizing time!

Only 12 hours left!!

Blender drinks time! Cheers

"Leonard" and "Pete"

Kylie and Tracy

Tracer and Jeremy

Me, Deb and Tyler.....the dynamic duo that saved my life the next day and got me home safe! Thanks guys.

Kylie and Tracer

"Pete" and Joanne

Tracy and Lenny.....I mean Jeremy!

Me and Deb

Kylie and Deb singing at the Alaska!

Me, Tracer, Deb, and Miss Kylie Brown

Thanks for a great 36 hours girls! Miss you already!
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