it wasn't stolen.......I was just drunk! I must have taken it out on the deck, because thats where they found it last night! Idiot. I guess it got all wet, so it is in the process of drying out. Still haven't tried to turn it on. Fingers crossed! So stupid!
So today is the last day of summer holidays, and tomorrow it is back to my real job, teaching that is. So happy about that! I'm sick of minimum wage. Have had to get a loan to consolidate all my debt. Having it spread across several credit cards, it is impossible to pay back. So I feel like I am on the right path to being debt free. I sure hope I get a lot of work this month, as I am supposed to be going to Hawaii in mid October!!!
This summer has been loads of fun. Lots of people back to their home town, so the place was hopping all summer long. Have gone to a couple weddings, had several birthdays, going away parties, went to Dawson Creek for 36 hours and even made it out to the cabin. However the weather has been brutal and winter is already on the doorstep. I am dreading this winter of short days and long cold nights. It's been a year and a half since I have had a winter. Soooo not looking forward to it. But, hopefully I will be busy working as much as possible, at school and at the Cafe. Our trip to Hawaii will hopefully get me through those cold, dark months. And I found out my friend from Oz, Lisa, is coming to Canada in December/January!! So excited about that. So I am planning on going to Vancouver for the first week in the new year to hang with her! Good times! I can't wait to see you Lisa!!!
Other plans include my 30th birthday!! Ok, so for those of you that know the date, yes I know it is in February!! But, I have already told all my friends here that they better start planning me a huge party, and if they aren't going to do it, to let me know and I will plan it myself! I already know I want it at the bowling alley bar, with its retro red leather chairs, pool table, and kareoke machine!! So for those of you looking for something to do in February, you are officially invited to my birthday party, February 7th! Good times.
Hmm, what else to report?? I won't be taking the TESOL Distance course, mainly because I didn't get the funding I was hoping for, and will probably do something shorter online, or in Vancouver in the new year.
I think thats about it for me. I will be blogging a lot more now that summer is over, and hopefully my camera will be working and I can keep posting pics. Hope all of you have had a fab summer(or winter, depending where you are!). Take care!