So instead of being victim to my extreamly long emails about myself, I've decided to create this space where you can find out whats going on with me anytime...instead of me emailing you all the time! Enjoy!
February 16, 2008
Ali and Maia's going away party
So around the end of January, two of the teachers that came to Korea at the same time as me decided to go home. Here are some pics of our going away dinner......which led to the sojuice bar....then exit.....and finally the noribong(kareoke). A very fun night with the staff of Poly and friends!
What a sexy jacket! ;) Loving the blue steel pics....can you come visit for the weekend?
What a sexy jacket! ;) Loving the blue steel pics....can you come visit for the weekend?
who left this message????
of course. sorry. shoulda known. just had a some randoms leave some comments sometimes! hahaha. sure, i'll be there on the earliest jet.
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