Poor Tracy. Sooo hungover from drinking at the airport before her flight. They were stuck there many hours before their flight and while left alone while the others were smoking....Tracy was drinking! By the time I saw her in the Toronto airport, she was a mess! Lost her husband! Lost her passport! No worries....Lindsay to the rescue! Just like old times :o)

The breakfast I brought Tracy hoping to bring her back from the dead!

Ready to drink again!

Waiting at the airport for our bus. Kathy

In front of the resort. Finally here!!

Beach shot!!!

The view from Tracy and Jeramy's room. The key to getting a great view at the hotel.....be the one's getting married!

Soooo happy to be there! Loving it!! Me and Kathy, my fabulous roommate.

The happy bride!

Love the shirt Jeramy! A gift from Tracy of course!

Meeting everyone for the first time by the pool. What a great group of people!

Tracy and Jeramy in the pool. They look happy don't they?!

Jerk chicken! Yum.

Trace and me after we finished dinner at the buffet!

After dinner drinks. We were so tired!

Down to the lazy river park for some night time shows.

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