So instead of being victim to my extreamly long emails about myself, I've decided to create this space where you can find out whats going on with me anytime...instead of me emailing you all the time! Enjoy!
October 22, 2007
Literacy Centers
So my Kindergarten classes are pretty structured. Phonics, writing, computers, and even art is pretty well planned out. But I teach the kids reading everyday, and there is a lot more flexability there. So to make things a little more interesting for the kids I have started to do literacy centers with them. I've only done it twice so far, but it worked out really well and I was so proud of my kids. This teaching is basically new to me, as I've only ever subbed, except for the last 4 months in high school before I came here. So I feel pretty good about what I'm doing. It would be very easy just to follow the schedual and the plans they have for you. But I am really enjoying putting in some extra effort and doing more with the kids. Here are some pics of my class and Alys class(who I also teach reading to) on the first day I did the centers with them.
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