Sleepin on the floor Korean style. My mom told me I'm too old to be doing this! Haha! Funny cause it's true.

The living room and kitchen area. There were also two rooms. Pretty sweet!

We left Friday night and arrived around 1am, so happy to be there!

Taein, Saturday morning.

From our balcony window.

It was pretty dang nice there!

The girls chillin by the pool.

This is the place we were, Kata Marine, by the Nami River.

The river

Flower power.


Getting ready for the paintball. A little warm up!

Some punishment for the black team.

Lookin pretty fierce!



Jay...don't worry it's just paint!

Some pics of the players left in the game.

David, it's a good thing we were wearing masks!

Kelly and Matt.....waiting for the fun to begin!


Sara and Lisa



Getting some lessons before the fun begins!

And while other people were wakeboarding, me and Lisa were catching some rays!

The Wakeboarders!

Kelly getting ready to go.

Katie Mac

Our boat driver.

The view.

The boat driver took some time to take some pics of us. Let the boat do its own driving!

Kelly lookin like a pro!

Enjoying being in a boat again! Even if it is on a river.

Waiting for people to jump off the roof

The Buddah



Goin for a boat ride

One of the guys showin off.

The boat guy did this just as they were gonna leave and got my camera all wet! At least I got a good shot, and my camera was ok.

Lisa and Katie

Grace and Sara after their ride. Me and Brad did this too, but I don't have any pics of it. It was super fun. I would scream and then laugh every time we went into the air, as it got pulled behind the boat. So fun!

Katie and Brad "I'll do it if you do it?"

Some of the girls...Sara, Kelly, Lisa, and Katie, after a great day by the river.

Our bbq chef. They cooked for us both nights! What service! They were a great crew of guys that worked there.

Some of the crew eating some delicious bbq dinner!

The moonlight was so bright, shining on the river. Looks like a ufo!

Moon and tree...

And my soccer couch taught me this is the way to do it!

Oh oh.

Katie and Brad cleaning up their soccer mishap mess!


An intense game of Jenga!

Jay takin a time out.

Playing the card game Wizard. Katies not too sure about this.....Katie! It's your turn! Pay attention!!

Sydney showing off her Korean pancake tossing skills!

Jays magic show

Brad is there something on your nose?

Come on Jay, just have a little drink

I guess Brad isn't as old as we thought he was! Hahaha!