August 24, 2007

On my way!

So here I am in Calgary! Its been a busy couple of weeks. I spent my last week in Rupert with lots of goodbyes, parties, dinners, and packing! It was very sad to leave after being home for 3 and a half years!! But I am excited for my new adventure! After Rupert I spent a whirlwind 5 days in Vancouver. Got to see my cousins, and lots of old friends. Also got my tattoo!! Will post a pic soon. I love how it turned out. Very happy with it! Now I am in Calgary and I have gotten to see my old friends Dani (7 years since I've last seen her!!!), Lynn(2 years) and Joc(5 years), and my cousin Stephen(5 years)!! How crazy is that! Talk about reunion time. Have done lots of shopping in prep for the move, dinners, drinking wine, and catching up. I have also gotten to meet Stephens son, Kelton, who is sooooooo freakin cute. Tonight is a night on the town with the girls. And tomorrow me, Stephen, Kelton, and maybe Lynn are heading to the mountains for some sightseeing. Then home and early to bed. I have to be at the airport at 4:30am on Sunday!!! Yikes.

I am going to be put up in a hotel for the first week I am there until the other teacher moves out of the apartment I am moving into. My first week there will be adjustment time, some time spent observing in the classroom, and then BAM! I start officially September 3rd!! Yikes. Am a little nervous I must admit. But I am very excited about it all and can't wait to get there. Starting to get a little anxious actually!

So thats me for now. Will post more when I get to Seoul. I might spend the morning trying to get some photos up. I am way behind and have lots to post. Hope to hear some news from you all! Remember.....blogging is easy!!

Love ya all!!

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