This is Danny. He's louder than most of the kids, but so cute. Always likes to come into the teachers room to visit.

Say hello to Geo and Jully! Peace out!

This is Michelle, one of my Teachers assistants, and Geo at lunch time

Here's Zenna, a sweatheart. Very smart.

This is Julie J, also a total sweety.

And here is Minsung, a bit of a slacker, but soo cute. This is him in his new glasses! Love the funky hair today.

Me and Celine, she's very quiet.

And then there's Kevin, my little procrastinator. But super at helping get ready for lunch and passing things out!

And here they are working away. The rooms are very small, with a big table they sit around. They are so well behaved for 5 year olds who have to sit all morning. Going to try and make my classroom a little more interesting. Should be interesting.

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