Ashton playing DS.


Being silly.

Hanging out Saturday night after a long day of work.

Family shot in the morning.

Ferryn, who is 6, is amazing at Lego Indiana Jones on his DS.

Since my Mom's knees are so bad now, this weekend it was my job to make the beds and cook. This is breakfast on Sunday morning. Well deserved for the men and all their hard work.



My Dad getting his well earned breakfast.

Sorry Mom, I know you will probably hate me for putting up this pic, but it's such a good moment. Ferryn in the middle of telling you one of his stories. So cute.

The men working on the new roof of the old cabin.

Who's in charge? Ferryn is.

"Auntie can I take a picture of you?" They love my camera.

Riley and Ferryn. Sister and brother.

Leon, my Dad, and Gary on the finished roof of the old cabin.

Riley on the finished roof

The boys and their crabs. I don't think they will ever get sick of collecting them.

Riley found a starfish on the beach

Leon, enjoying the sunny boat ride home


Riley and her starfish



Dad and the boys

The poor starfish that Riley wanted to take home to show her mom. Let's just say it didn't make long:o(

The boys driving the boat home



Another boat on its way out.

This is called Porpoise Harbour, which is in Port Edward. Can you see why?

My dad letting Ferryn drive the boat. He was LOVING it.

My mom and Leon. I just couldn't get them in sync

Ferryn at the front of the boat watching for porpoises

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