In the middle of August my mom's sister Sheri, her husband Phil, her daughter Kara, and Kara's fiance Paulo came for a visit to Rupert. My mom's brother Bozi and his wife Gayle were in town for the summer. With so much family visiting, we decided to go for a very belated anniversary dinner for my Grandparents. Of course we went for my Grandpa's favorite....Galaxy Gardens! Yum.
Mart and Riley

My cousin Kara

Raven loving her chocolate shake

The adult end of the table

Phil and Sheri

Sheri and Mom

Martina, Paulo, and Kara...Down at the kids end of the table!

Grandma and me

My Dad

The Happy Couple, Grandma and Grandpa

Grandpa giving his speech. The got all chocked up and I think he even shed a little tear! Love you Grandma and Grandpa.

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